Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Braces are ON!

I really meant to blog last night, my last night of a metal free mouth, but it was Valentine's day and my attention belonged to my lover! So, instead I am blogging to you today as newly loaded metal mouth!

I was told to block off a good 2 hours to take care of everything at my appointment, but I was pleasantly surprised when we wrapped everything up and I was on my way out in just a little over an hour! The procedure itself was painless and damn close to discomfort-less (I know, not a real word) too! The first thing they did was remove those pesky spacers that I've had in my mouth since last week. Even though I was getting used to them, they were still very annoying and kept my teeth consistently sore. It felt so good to have them removed! Next they placed a band on one of my back teeth.

Dr. S then decided that I didn't need traditional bands and instead used a new model of smaller bands that are glued to the sides of my back teeth. So after days of being sore from the spacers, turns out i didn't need them anyway since traditional bands were not used. Ha! Fine by me though, I was tired of having things stuck between my teeth. Next the assistant applied "conditioner" to my teeth and let it dry. Finally it was time for Dr. S to apply my brackets!

 I ended up with all metal brackets, except for my 4 upper front teeth. Dr. S being the great ortho that he is, provides clear (I guess ceramic?) braces on the front teeth for his adult patients (shh: free of charge). After all my brackets were in place, the assistant took over, inserting the archwire in my brackets. The appointment came to an end with a brief lesson on how to care for my braces (i.e - brushing techniques, how to floss with wire in the way etc.).
Now I'm a real life brace face! and I couldn't be happier about it! 
So without further ado, I present to you my new tin grin!

Day #1
of life with braces


  1. yay for braces! good luck on your journey they look great :)

  2. So far, so good. It's great that you're posting pics of this -- it would make for a cool comparison once this entire procedure is over. It would be a blast to see the final results after the braces are gone.

    Cheers to ya!
    Bianca Jackson

  3. Great post! I'm so glad to hear that your appointment went smoothly and that the process was relatively painless. I'm sure it's exciting to finally have braces on and start your journey to a straighter smile. Best of luck on your orthodontic journey!

    Kevin durant
